Access control systems installed in Leeds by Dalec

Access control systems are simply an electronic method of controlling or restricting who has access to a building or particular areas of a building. Whether you have business-critical information you need to protect, or are concerned about the risk of theft, installing an access control system offers a wide range of benefits including:

  • Control who’s coming and going: the chances are that your business premises is home to some pretty valuable equipment. From specialist machinery through to cash or IT equipment, your business is at constant risk of external or internal theft. An access control system will help you keep track of who is coming and going, whilst logging the entry and exit of each individual member of staff.
  • Lost keys become a thing of the past: there’s nothing more frustrating or expensive than having to cut new keys when a member of staff leaves or loses their set. Many access control systems are designed to use entry card or electronic key fob systems so when a card or key fob is lost, it can simply be removed from the system.
  • Keep intruders out: if your business is large or you have areas which are open to the public – a shop for example – installing an access control system offers a highly effective way to control who has access to different areas, preventing unwanted strangers from gaining entry whilst undetected.
  • Limit staff access: many businesses only give approved access to certain areas for specially trained staff. Medical clinics, laboratories and research facilities, for example, often have restricted areas and controlling access in this way is a practical way to protect sensitive data, chemicals and more.

Contact Dalec to find out more about installing an access control system in your business

Here at Dalec we have many years of experience in providing cost-effective electrical and security installations for business and organisations throughout Yorkshire. We can offer a range of access control systems to suit your budget and requirements, installed by our highly trained and experienced team. To find out more about the benefits of access control for your business, please don’t hesitate to get in touch today.