CCTV systems for businesses installed in Leeds

As regular readers of our blog will know, here at Dalec we often talk about the security benefits of installing a CCTV system. However, although the benefits are clear, many business owners are failing to provide their premises with the protection it needs, leaving themselves at risk of theft or vandalism. With this in mind, we thought we outline the main benefits that installing a CCTV system could offer you and your business:

  1. Unfortunately hundreds of millions of pounds are lost to UK businesses each year as a result of theft. This is a depressing thought, especially as it’s a situation which could be avoided in many cases. Whilst it’s impossible to deter the most determined thieves, many burglars are put off by the sight of CCTV cameras and installing a system could significantly reduce your chances of being targeted.
  2. CCTV provides a highly visible deterrent and the sight of cameras is a clear demonstration that you take the security of your business seriously.
  3. Although it’s important to remember that the laws surrounding your employees’ rights must be adhered to when installing CCTV cameras, CCTV offers an effective way to monitor visitors. Being able to produce a visual record of who’s been in your premises can prove invaluable in the event of a break in; providing valuable evidence for the police and your insurance company.
  4. CCTV is quick and easy to install and a range of systems are now available which are designed to be monitored or controlled by a mobile phone app. This offers the capability to check on your business when you’re not there, providing you with additional peace of mind and reassurance.

Get in touch with Dalec and give your business the protection it deserves

At Dalec we are fully qualified, experienced installers of CCTV systems for business customers in Leeds. To find out more about how we can provide you with a range of cost-effective security solutions, please get in touch by calling 01535 606 006 or email