The long Easter weekend offers a great opportunity to do a little DIY and if you’re anything like the team here at Dalec, the chances are you’ve been given a list of jobs to do that’s as long as your arm!

Love it or loathe it, DIY is something more and more of us are tackling and whilst putting up a shelf or a bit of decorating are pretty straightforward, when it comes to electricity, safety should be of paramount importance. The Electrical Safety First website is very helpful and contains lots of useful advice and can be found here.

If you’re planning on doing any DIY which involves electricity, be it the installation of a new appliance or changing a light fitting, you need to be very careful that what you’re doing is safe. It’s interesting to note that according to the Electrical Safety First website; around 50% of men admit that they feel they should tackle DIY jobs around the home themselves before calling for professional help. In addition, a survey carried out by Electrical Safety First found that nearly half of all severe electric shocks are caused by attempts at DIY.

Here at Dalec we know that if can be tempting to do electrical work yourself but electricity really is something that’s best left in the hands of professionals.  Our domestic electrical services are available to homeowners across Leeds and if you would like free, no-obligation advice on that DIY project you’ve got planned, why not get in touch with us?