There’s nothing like a bargain and most of us like to save money whenever we can. However, when it comes to buying electrical goods, it’s important to put safety before any savings you might make by buying cheap counterfeit goods.

Electrical goods which are available at heavily discounted prices should always be treated with caution; it’s important to remember that they could be fake and designed to look like a well-known brand or second hand. Buying fake electrical goods can be very risky indeed as at best they are simply a waste of money, or at worst highly dangerous.

Over the last few years the range of fake electrical goods available has increased dramatically with the most popular being mobile phone chargers, games consoles and hair styling products. Fake electrical goods are almost guaranteed to contain faulty or incorrect components which are likely to overheat when the item is used, leading to an increased risk of electric shock or fire.

Unfortunately the increase in online shopping hasn’t helped and buying fake or counterfeit electrical goods is easier than ever. The very best way to protect yourself is to only buy electrical items from reputable store – whether it’s through an online site or in a high street shop.

If you would like advice on any aspect of electrical safety in the home, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.