Most of us couldn’t manage without our washing machine and tumble dryer but there have been a number of reports recently of these appliances catching fire. Tumble dryers and washing machines contain powerful motors and moving parts which can get extremely hot, so if you don’t maintain your machine properly, there is the danger that it could catch fire.

With this in mind, it’s important that you remember to:

  • Read and then follow the manufacturer’s safety advice and usage instructions before you use your appliance.  Make sure you keep the instruction manual in case you need to refer to it in the future.
  • Never, ever leave your appliance unattended whilst it is running.
  • Don’t overload your tumble dryer or washing machine – make sure you know what the maximum load size is and stick to it!
  • Don’t wash or dry clothes which have come into contact with, or have been used to soak up flammable liquids.
  • Tumble dryers must be well ventilated and you should make regular checks to ensure the vent pipe is free of kinks or blockages or has been crushed in any way.
  • Clean your tumble dryer vent EVERY time you use it.
  • Tumble dryers should be regularly serviced by a qualified engineer.
  • If you spot warning signs such as a smell or burning, clothes which feel hot at the end of a cycle or take longer than they should to dry, clean and check the filer and vent pipe immediately.  If you still have concerns, stop using the machine and get help from a qualified engineer.