Property rentals are having an impact upon home security

Since 2000 the number of UK residents who live in private rented accommodation has grown to over 10 million.

This expansion of the rental market is due to a range of factors but perhaps the most significant is the difficulty many ‘millennials’ have in getting a foot upon the property ladder. In addition, our attitude to owning home seems to be changing, with many people preferring to have the flexibility to move around more easily. These changes have seen a significant growth in short-term lets and shared living spaces. Renting a property or a room in a shared space does have many advantages but it can also have consequences when it comes to home security.

Smart locks are the new keys

Thanks to the rapid increase in property shares and rental apartments, many landlords and property owners view traditional door keys as a security risk. More people than ever before are now investing in smart locks which allow landlords to set individual PIN codes for each tenant, as well as offering the capability to monitor who is entering a property. In addition, because rental properties tend to change hands frequently, this is a good way to avoid having to change locks or track down missing keys!

There’s no sign of the current boom in rental properties decreasing and with this in mind it’s likely that landlords will increasingly view security in a similar way to business owners. Access control systems are likely to play a role in the way tenants access their homes, whilst smart keys and security cameras could be used to help prevent the misuse of properties.

Security advice for landlords and tenants in Leeds

Here at Dalec we offer a wide range of electrical services for landlords in Leeds and surrounding areas, including the installation of security systems, entry control systems and CCTV. If you would like to find out more, we’d be delighted to help so why not get in touch today?